Bunkyo University’s ‘Faculty of Human Sciences’ was founded in 1976 as the first of its kind among Japanese private universities. Subsequently, we set up the Graduate School of Human Sciences (master’s program) in 1993 as a place to advance academic studies and a doctoral program in clinical psychology in 2000.
The mission of the Graduate School of Human Sciences is to foster professionals who contribute to the society by employing the expertises related to human sciences and its interdisciplinary and integrated approach and by collaborating with various people, while cultivating a rich humanity based on the founding ethos of ‘Empathy for All (Ningen Ai) ‘, which emphasises the absolute dignity of humanity and the sanctity of life. We especially focus on educating students to become professionals who contribute to the realisation of the society that abolishes prejudices and discriminations and values a diversity of people. Diversity sometimes poses conflicts. That is why it has increasingly become important to inquire into the possibility of coexistence through dialogue and to develop problem solving skills by learning and conducting research in the highly advanced field of human sciences and gaining knowledge through practice.
Coincidentally, in 2015, the United Nations unanimously adopted The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with 17 goals and 169 targets. It is an ambitious goal for realising an ideal society that protects the sanctity of life of those who are socially vulnerable including children, women, people with disability, and LGBTI, and that ‘no one is left behind’. I feel that what we have been pursuing for many years under the founding ethos has finally become one of the global standards.
The aim of Clinical Psychology Major (master’s and doctoral programs) is to train highly specialised professionals (i.e. clinical psychotherapist, Certified Public Psychologist ) who are equipped with a wide range of knowledge, research skills and practical techniques, possess a diverse perspective, and are able to tackle challenges. The aim of Human Sciences Major is to inquire into humanity from a comprehensive and academic point of view focused around psychology, sociology and education so that we can respond to various requirements of the society. In effort to enhance people’s mental and physical health, to improve and develop people’s life, and to revitalise local communities, we will proceed with our research activities utilising our specialism in psychology, society and culture, education, welfare, and sports and communities.
Our graduate school is unique in that we have lecturers who have experiences in research and practice in various fields of study.
It is my wish that we devote ourselves to our studies for many long years and fulfil the graduate school’s aims through the dialogue between lectures and students.
Clinical Psychology Program
The clinical psychology program has established a curriculum and teaching method based on the following education and research principles.
■ In the master’s program, students acquire the knowledge of general and clinical psychology. This program trains psychological clinicians who are highly specialized and have a rich sense of humanity gained through research based on clinical practices and skills learned from clinical experience.
■ In the doctoral program, independent clinical psychology researchers and highly specialized professionals who can guide psychological clinicians are trained by cultivating more advanced research, knowledge, and skills.
Cultivating clinical psychologists who have learned genuine skills
Here, at the clinical psychology program, we emphasize the following points that allow us to train clinical psychologists.
1. Cultivating the ability to think and other basic abilities of clinical psychology
2. Teaching the skills and knowledge required in various fields including medical care, education, development, welfare, and industry
1. Class curriculum designed by full-time teaching staff for a broad range of fields
Teaching staff with a wealth of professional field experience are balanced well by those with numerous scholarly achievements as researchers. An emphasis is also placed on fundamental psychology and research guidance so that students can become skilled clinicians.
2. Places for medical practice that fully utilize educational and legal facilities
When a student becomes an M2, they have the opportunity to practice. The graduate school at this university has established cooperative relationships with a wide variety of clinical facilities focusing on hospitals, clinics, and legal consultation facilities. This program has external training in which students continuously practice at a variety of medical institutions such as clinics, university hospitals, and private psychiatric hospitals; furthermore, the program has internal training in which students receive guidance on cases referred by the campus clinical consultation research center.
3. Utilizing supervised case conferences fully
A diverse group of individuals with a great deal of on-site knowledge have been assigned as supervisors providing guidance during practice. The students are supervised in small groups twice a week, and they have the opportunity to investigate during class conferences. In addition, the teaching staff provide individual supervision as necessary, and this graduate program has adopted a system that utilizes supervision fully.

The teaching staff at Clinical Psychology Major is working with students openly on a daily basis with the aim to cultivate specialists in clinical psychology, who have a wide range of knowledge in psychology and the ability to think rationally backed up by scientific research skills, are filled with the founding ethos of ‘Empathy for All’, and are endowed with a kindly heart that puts a client at the centre of consideration. We have been working along close to students to help them realise their dreams of becoming a Certified Public Psychologist or clinical psychotherapist who stands by people suffering from mental health problems. I am looking forward to seeing each one of you.
Human Sciences Program
Cultivating talent to facilitate the development of human society
Here in the human sciences program, we emphasize the following points that allow us to train talented people who have a firm basis in the human sciences.
1. Broadly examining the various sciences that are concerned with humanity and acquiring more highly specialized comprehensive interdisciplinary knowledge.
2. Teaching the skills and knowledge required in a variety of fields like psychology, sociology, and social welfare.
1. Rich interdisciplinary class curriculum designed by full-time teaching staff
There is a good balance between teaching staff with a wealth of professional experience and those with numerous scholarly achievements as researchers. The students can grow into talented individuals who can be active in a wide range of fields by learning about fundamental psychology and receiving research guidance.
2. The aim for collaborative work on the studies of humanity based on a foundation of “advanced human sciences.”
To lead a fuller and happier life, students investigate their own “mental and physical health.” They continue to learn with the aim of developing and improving human lives based on healthy living.
3. Fully utilizing research guidance in the small-group system
Based on their own research plans, the students receive abundant guidance from their advising teacher who belongs to a related field of research. This is distinctly different from a one-sided learning system, and it enables the students to learn in an extensively interdisciplinary manner that is distinctive of the human sciences program.

At the Human Sciences Major, we take an approach from a variety of research fields and disciplines related to human sciences and analyse and study human beings from various perspectives. Our graduates go on to work in a wide variety of fields, including public service, hospitals and facilities, think tanks and consumer affairs, as well as in private companies.We expect our students to gain various experiences and knowledge and to grow as a person as they pursue their education and research through our major’s perspective of comprehensive and interdisciplinary pursuit of intellect.